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New York
Saturday, September 7, 2024

The prosecutors oppose the attempt to delay the trial.

PoliticsThe prosecutors oppose the attempt to delay the trial.

Even though circumstances were the same, prosecutors said the original May 6 trial date was appropriate and reasonable. Defense lawyers asked for a delay of the trial because of an "unprecedented" foreign-agent charge, 6.7 million documents to be reviewed, and complex legal questions. They said a two-month adjournment would still bring defendants to trial. Four people, including the senator and his wife, have pleaded not guilty to a charge that they accepted bribes in exchange for helping three New Jersey businessmen. The senator, his wife and a third person have all pleaded not guilty to a charge that they plotted to use the senator as an agent of the Egyptian government even though he was not allowed to. The defense lawyers wrote that the speed with which the case is proceeding is extraordinary, given the complexity and seriousness of the charges.

They plan to ask the judge in Manhattan to dismiss the indictment because New York federal court is the wrong venue. In a letter to the judge, the prosecutors said that the amount of evidence turned over to the defense was in line with what the government promised at the first conference. If there was a right to have multiple months to digest discovery prior to filing motions, practice in this district would look very different.

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