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Haley is moving away from Trump.

Top StoriesHaley is moving away from Trump.

When Karl tried to pin down Haley, she refused to say either way. You can ask him if he will support me when I am the nominee. The former South Carolina governor, the lone high-profile Republican still in the race, had previously said she would back Trump if he were to win the primary. She said on CNBC that she would support him because she wouldn't have a President. At the first GOP debate in August, Haley was one of the candidates who said she would back Trump if he emerged from the primary process as the nominee. She has not directly changed her position on Trump, even as she has intensified her criticism of him during the campaign season. Haley was critical of President Joe Biden for the state of the world today, but also for his recent remarks that were seen as being against the NATO alliance as well as his attempts to stock the leadership of the Republican National Committee with close friends. Haley said that it should be a wake-up call for the Republicans. He tried to get the RNC to name him the nominee.

The next Republican primary will be held in South Carolina. Haley had a lot of lines of attack against the former president, particularly when it came to what Trump had said about Russian President Putin, who has been accused of human rights abuses. She said that the American people need to know that Putin is not their friend. This is not someone that we can trust. When Donald Trump said in South Carolina a week ago that he would encourage Putin to invade our allies if they weren't pulling their weight, it was bone- chilling.

She said that Trump has been silent on the matter of Navalny's death. She said that either one of those is a problem. In the early months of the primary, Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson mostly avoided hitting Trump, instead focusing on Biden. With only her and Trump remaining from the pool of well-known candidates, Haley has turned up the heat. He has a trial starting on March 25. Meanwhile, he's spending millions of campaign donations on legal fees. The chaos will lead to more losses for the Republicans up and down the ticket.

Haley doubled down on her warnings in a radio interview on Tuesday morning.

Haley went after Trump for his age, slamming him for confusing her with Nancy Pelosi, and then trolled him and Biden with a billboard campaign stitching together clips of the two candidates trailing off and otherwise appearing confused during recent public remarks. NATO has been a success story for the last 75 years, according to Haley. Haley said last week that she doesn't want to take the side of a thug who kills his opponents. After Trump endorsed two key allies, including a senior campaign adviser, Chris LaCivita, for leadership roles on the Republican National Committee, Haley tied the attempt to gain a tighter grip on the party's fundraising apparatus to Trump's mounting legal bills. I don't want him to use the RNC as a personal bank. Haley recently suffered a stinging blow in Nevada when the option for "none of these candidates" received the most votes in a primary that wouldn't have won her any delegates anyway. Haley's chance of a future as a prominent member of the modern Republican Party is at risk because of the threat of turning Trump into a long-term enemy. Haley's campaign is selling shirts with the words "barred permanently" in reference to a post by the former president in which he warned donors that they would be permanently barred from.

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