Mark Gurman, a reporter for X, said in a post that the Apple Vision Pro was the same chip used in Apple's higher-end MacBook Air models. Apple revealed early on that its mixed reality headset uses an M2 processor, but it wasn't clear which version of the chip it chose. The current 13 and 15.3 inch MacBook Air models use the M2 chip. The M2 has an 8-core processor, just like the M1, but it also supports eight or ten graphics cards, up from seven or eight in the M1. The Vision Pro, Apple's $3,499 laptop, will launch on February 2 with a last- generation processor, which is different from the MacBook Pro models that have been released. The M2 chip in Vision Pro is used to process content, run the visionOS operating system, and provide graphical content. Vision Pro uses an R1 chip to process information from cameras, sensors, and microphones. The Vision Pro has 16 gigabytes of ram and 128 gigabytes of storage space. Gurman confirmed that Apple customers will be able to purchase the Vision Pro online and at retail stores using Apple Card installments. Pre-orders for the Apple Vision Pro will open on Friday, January 19th in the United States.