The new Star Wars movie will feature Grogu, also known as Baby Yoda, who will make his debut in the film. The prospect of bringing the Mandalorian and his apprentices to the big screen is exciting.
Kathleen Kennedy, the president of Lucasfilm, said the story was a perfect fit for the big screen. The Mandalorian, a new character in the Star Wars universe introduced in Disney+ series, was nominated for best drama series at the EMMYs. He has written and directed multiple episodes as well as creating the series. The film marks one of many Star Wars films that will be released after a decision was made to focus more on exploring the universe on the big screen. Disney CEO Bob Iger said last year that they should spend less on what they make and make less.
Canadian-Pakistani director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy will be the first woman and first person of color to direct a Star Wars film. She said that it was time for a woman to write a story in a galaxy far, far away. Waititi said of his film that it would piss people off. Rise of the Skywalker, the last Star Wars film, made $1 billion but received mediocre reviews.