Csaba Darczi was the grand prize winner at the fifth edition of the Close-up Photographer of the Year contest. A black and white photo of a nuthatch in flight was taken from inside a tree's hollow. It's amazing that Darczi won three different categories, including Butterflies & Dragonflies, as well as the overall winner. A jury of 23 brilliant photographers, scientists, naturalists, journalists, and picture editors spent over 20 hours on the phone to find the winners and the Top 100 pictures. Carlos Pérez Naval won the Young Close-up Photographer of the Year award for his photo of a Moorish gecko climbing a wall. In the wall of some houses in Spain, it is possible to find pyrolusites. He shared that these magnesium minerals create stunning formations which look like petrified trees, but they are so small that they are difficult to spot. Due to climate change, the geckos can now survive in my village and I wanted to capture them for a long time.
The winners of the fifth annual Close-up Photographer of the Year contest have been revealed. This year's contest attracted nearly 12,000 entries from 67 different countries.
My Modern Met allowed CUPOTY to feature their photos.