The musician, now known as Ye, wore a pointed black hood that looked like a Ku Klux Klan robe while performing in Miami after midnight on Tuesday. The listening event, which was dubbed a "rave" and streamed online, teased "Vultures," an album that Ye has been plugging intermittently for months alongside the R&B singer Ty Dolla Sign. In the last week, Ye has played songs from the album and promised that it would be released on Friday, December 15. In October, it was reported that Ye and Ty Dolla Sign were considering distribution partners for the release, since his record company,Def Jam, distanced itself from him. The two musicians had previously attempted to stage a concert or listening event at an arena in Italy for up to 100,000 people, then pivoted to tease a "multi stadium listening event" last month, similar to the events Ye used to promote his album "Donda". Both plans didn't work out.